Visit our Gift Shop at the Cowichan District Hospital. The Thrift Shop is now located at 138 Craig Street, Duncan and is open from 10 am to 4 pm, Tuesday to Saturday.
Join us in supporting the health care needs in the Cowichan Valley.
There are many options for participating, including staffing the Gift Shop and Thrift Store (HATS) where more hands make light work. And if that doesn’t attract you, here’s a list of many of the other projects and services that our volunteers offer.
Auxiliary volunteers and shoppers at the Christmas gift and baked good sale
At Cairnsmore Place, members volunteer a few hours each week for Tea and Visiting with residents or staffing the Tuck Shop in the main entry hall (subject to Island Health policies).
The Needlers....for all their precious creations, including baby toques
Surgical sponges
Putting together layettes for newborns
The Santa Project
The Youth Volunteer Program (currently operated by Island Health)