Visit our Gift Shop in the Cowichan Hospital for fabulous finds! Closed Sundays.
Come in and meet our friendly volunteers and browse our gift shop. A tiny treasure house of quirky decorations, fabulous knitting, comforting stuffies, jewelry, décor, ice cream treats and other confectionary, used pocket books, cards, toiletries and Auxiliary-made synthetic flower arrangements.
You can join the Gift Shop team and you’ll work a 3-hour shift in our eclectic store.
Visitors, staff and patients all shop at the gift store and are enthusiastic in their appreciation for what we do.
Email the Gift Shop Director for more information.
Gift Shop
Located on the main floor of the Cowichan District Hospital near the front entrance.
3045 Gibbins Road
Duncan, BC
Shop Hours:
The Gift Shop is open Mondays through Saturdays. Hours vary according to volunteer availability. (Maybe one of those volunteers could be you!)
Statutory Holidays: Open Closed Christmas and New Years
We're actively planning for our move to the New Hospital in 2026!!